Here is where you can enter Cornball 24 by sending BACS payments to us.

You will receive email confirmation from


We will send email confirmation to you when we receive your entry and when we receive your funds. Questions to

    You will need to send us by Bank Transfer your entry to the following bank account.

    Natwest Bank

    Banger Rally Challenge

    Sort Code 54-41-12

    Account   53196120

    You MUST add a reference BRC +{ YOUR TEAM CAPTAIN SURNAME}

    We will not be able to identify payments with no reference so please help us here.

    Please read the instructions here before submitting your entry.

    Many thanks

    If you are a new entry. For now, we just need the contact details for your Team Captain.

    Once you have entered a team we will be in touch to build your team entry.

    Entry fees must be paid in full now.  Please remember the entry is £80 per Team which includes up to 2 people and then add extra passengers at £30 each.This includes the party night meal.

    Please enter in the subject box - Cornball Entry

    Please enter in the message box the number of people in your team and how much you are paying. And that you agree to T&Cs as stated.

    If you want to pay for extra party night meals 

    i.e PARTY NIGHT ONLY X 2 = £40